Addy's heart is continuing to function properly! The VSD at the apex of her heart is still not closing, but it has virtually no bearing on her well-being. The cardiologists are not worried about it posing problems later, either. However, there is still a gradient in her pulmonary artery (the artery Doctor Kaushal had to clean up, due to tissue obstruction). Luckily, it does not pose a threat right now. Cardiologists will monitor it for the rest of her life, and make sure that the gradient does not get worse. If it does, it will most likely be a slow process, and eventually she'll have to have some type of procedure (hopefully through her groin).
As for the bump on her sternum, it seems to be a bone callous. It's totally normal to develop a bone callous after a break, and though Addy will have it for the rest of her life, it will look smaller as she grows. More subcutaneous tissue will cover it as time goes by. No matter what though--she's beautiful and always will be :-)
We are counting our blessings!