Dr. Baker-Smith met with us today and explained that the more her and Dr. Kaushal look at Addy's 3-D heart images, the more confident they become with making her heart a 2-ventrical heart. Dr. Kaushal says that he can close the ventricular septal defects, and he believes that there is enough room for adequate blood flow through her aorta. He will be looking to do some patch work in her pulmonary artery as well. This will hopefully suffice to ensure adequate blood flow to her lungs(though, as I mentioned before, until he actually goes in he will not be 100% sure). If he feels there is not adequate blood flow for each artery, he may have to do the Rastelli Procedure (placing a conduit, which will have to be replaced every 10-15 years). We are hoping that he can close the holes and be done with it. As I mentioned in my last post, there are more holes than previously thought, so it will take Dr. Kaushal 4 to 6 hours to completely fix everything. He says that Adriana is looking at 10-14 days in the hospital for recovery.
We continue to pray that Dr. Baker-Smith and Dr. Kaushal's instincts are correct and that everything can be corrected with one operation. Their optimism is cautious, but comforting nonetheless.
Addy measured 12 pounds, 8.8 ounces today, and 24" long... and HER OXYGEN SATURATIONS WERE 98%! That is the highest they've ever been ;)