Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Cleaned Up Some Dog Poo...

...thought everyone should know.  It was a riveting experience.  I just had so much fun with it--I love the smell (comparable to a human turd covered in burnt hair), and the feel of the warm, yogurt-like texture through the napkin.  Also, I'm so lucky that this is the second day in a row I've had the pleasure of cleaning up Dexter's fecal matter!  His stench continues to linger and polute the rest of the house, which excites me as well.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NC Photos!

Had a good 4 day weekend in North Carolina...

My brother Aaron is leaving for Navy Basic Training on June 14th, so Matt, the kids and I went down to spend some time with him before he leaves.  It was nice to catch up with family, and wish Aaron all the best.  The kids did pretty well on the five and a half hour drive there... but Cameron was a little fussy on the way back.  We had to pull over, take her out of her car seat, and roam around a grocery store outside of Fredericksburg, VA for a bit.  Fortunately, they had Pub Cheese at said grocery store and it made a nice on-the-road snack, along with some wheat thins...

Hope you like the photos!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sisters Playing

Strawberry Picking!

Tateum, Cameron and I went with some friends strawberry picking today!  Tateum was really good at finding the pretty red ones.  She also found a couple weird-looking ones, pictured below.  She had fun ;-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cameron is Growing Too Fast...

Yesterday was Cameron's 4-month check-up (better late than never)!  She's progressing really well and is now 15 pounds, 10 ounces!  She still enjoys her food ;-)  Unfortunately, Cam received 2 shots yesterday too... she cried for a little bit and had a low grade fever earlier today, but all in all, she's well.  Tylenol works wonders!